Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway!
Fear – we all face it. Perhaps it is physical fear of danger, a frightening thought, apprehension, anxiety or a concern about the unknown. Whatever the fear we face, the key to overcoming it is not to become immobilized. When we let fear overtake our thoughts, we become stationary, forgetting about what we were in the process of doing or what should be done next. In many cases, we even alter our normal behavior to an extreme measure in response to our fear.

That’s why fear is the chosen tool of the terrorist. It is their hope that they can stop you from taking appropriate action and in fact, they hope your normal behavior is altered so much so that then they can control you or get you to respond in the way they want you to respond.
Have you ever heard or read this Biblical quote from 1-Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” (KJV) Why is adversity compared to a roaring lion?
The answer is quite simple: When a lion gets old, he cannot out run his prey so he relies on his roar. He will lower his head closer to the ground and let out a menacing roar. This deafening sound will cause the ground and even the trees to shake under and around his prey. His prey will become frozen in fear, enabling the lion to easily overtake it. However, if the poor gazelle would just keep going in the face of his fear he would not end up on the old lion’s dinner plate.
That’s why I am encouraging you today to conquer your fear by moving forward. In other words, there’s no getting around the fact that fear is a part of our lives. The only difference between the successful and those who merely exist, is their response to their fears. Know this too, the Bible says in some form or fashion “Fear not” at least 365 times. (One for every day of the year.) Since God knows all things and He understands we’re all going to face fear, I believe God’s point is truly this: don’t let your fears immobilize you! So, feel the fear and do it anyway!