Spend Wisely

“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians 3:2 (KJV)
What are you fond of? Do you have tender feelings towards somebody or something? When you answer these questions, you have defined your affection(s).
Many of us would probably answer that we feel special towards our spouse, our children, our parents, friends or others who hold a unique place in our lives. Still others may say they hold an affinity for their rebuilt from the ground up sports car, the business they started from scratch, the house they personally were involved in designing, planning and building, or the (fill in the blank) they worked and saved for in order to purchase and call their own.
Some exclaim that they have blood, sweat and tears invested in the things they care about. While it is understandable that we would have a close connection to these sorts of things, especially items that we not only poured our money but our time and energy into as well, it is important that we attach our affection appropriately.
Based on the opening scripture quote above, we are encouraged not to set our affection on earthly things, with the emphasis on the word ‘things’. Things are cold, immaterial and unfeeling. Things don’t appreciate what we have invested in the obtaining of them. They offer no warm consolation and encouragement in their being more than a thing to us. They simply are – things – and maybe that’s why we are warned not to set our affection upon them.
But notice the word ‘set’ in that quote. It means that we have the power to choose where to place or put our affection. All we have to do is initiate the action or process that will put in motion the desired results of appreciation and fondness. In other words, it has to do with a concentrated mind that will solidify our decisions of what is important to us.
This all sounds great but the reality most of us have is an instinctual response that draws away our affections. Let me explain: You see, most of us work in order to get money and therefore we use the equation of time = money. Then when we have the money, we use more time to go shopping for the things we need and want, therefore our equation becomes a little more complicated (time + (time = money) = things).
So, if we’re going to honor the opening quote, we need to know what the things above are. Well, the word ‘above’ simply means a position over, or higher, superior than something else.
The ultimate question might be this: Where does your love get spent? Yes, that’s correct, I used the word ‘spent’ because it means totally depleted of energy or strength. In other words, what is consuming your energy? That answer will once again always point to your true affection. If your energy is spent on the earthly, you come home at the end of a long work day drained with nothing left over for your spouse or children. If your energy is spent shopping or handling your knickknacks, collections or prized possessions and you have nothing to spare for your friends, parents or loved ones your affection is with the earthly. On the other hand if you come home from work with energy to spare, then you spend that energy talking with your spouse in deep conversation or playing with your children or you teach a bible study to your neighbor then your affections are geared towards the things above. And, the remarkable thing is that when spending your energy in this manner, you typically are recharged rather than drained in the end.
Since these things affect the immortal (souls that will live forever) they represent love. We spend our time with the ones (not things) we love. Hence, we can conclude that love is the true currency, not money.
Now that we know this – spend wisely!
God Bless - Rick